Switch Language
  1. PowerNukkitX
  2. Get Started
  3. Config

    1. server.properties
    2. nukkit.yml
    3. pnx-cli-config.ini
    4. Anti-xray
    5. Resource Encryption
    6. Compression Acceleration
    7. PNX with WaterDogPE
    8. Flat World
  4. FAQ

    1. To Newcomers
    2. How to use PNX-CLI
    3. Common Questions
    4. Terra Questions
    5. Spawn-point Questions
    6. Convert Worlds
  5. For Devs

    1. Java

      1. Goto JavaDoc
      2. Mod API

        1. Custom Block
        2. Custom Item
        3. Custom Entity
        4. Custom Enchantment
      3. Entity AI

        1. Behavior
        2. Memory
        3. Sensor
        4. Motion Controller
        5. Navigator
        6. Behavior Group
        7. Work Cycle
    2. JavaScript

      1. setup dev env
      2. Base LLSELib dev
      3. Hello World
      4. Basic knowledge
      5. Event Listener
      6. FAQ
    3. Resources

      1. Event List
      2. IDs(block & item)

Flat World

PNX has a built-in flat world generator that can be highly customized. You can generate the world you want by modifying the configuration file.


In the world configuration of nukkit.yml, you can set a generator for each world separately. For example, here we set a FLAT generator for the world named world:

  seed: 114514
  generator: FLAT:2;7,59x1,3x3,2;1;decoration

Generator Parameters

Generator parameters consist of multiple parts separated by semicolons, each part separated by a colon, for example:

generator: FLAT:2;7,59x1,3x3,2;1;decoration

Generator parameters ending with the word "decoration" will generate minerals on the map.

© PowerNukkitX Dev team